This Has to Be the Most Unnerving Traffic Sequence Ever

This Has to Be the Most Unnerving Traffic Sequence Ever

It would be amazing if rush hour traffic actually worked like this. Maybe that's why it's so terrifying nothing goes wrong in this video.
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- Doing A Wheelie Into Oncoming Traffic Isn't Cool, It's Asinine
For someone who doesn't give too much -or any- thought, to his own life, riding against traffic and pulling a wheelie, is just another adrenaline rush. Read more »...

- Another Alleged Sudden Acceleration Incident From South Korea, This Time Featuring A Bmw
After an alleged sudden unintended acceleration crash involving a latest generation Hyundai Sonata YF in South Korea spread like wildfire across the news, the local media discovered a supposedly similar incident concerning a BMW model. And like the...

- Beijing To Restrict Car Usage, Chinese Automakers Anticipate Market Downturn
Beijing is a city in crisis. It is, more or less, a microcosm of the world at large: smog and traffic congestion are choking China’s capital. This year, 4.7 million cars were sold in Beijing alone; nearly twice the number sold just five years...

- Ingenious: Guy Makes $100-300 Per Day Accompanying Carpool Lane Commuters!
Are you the lonely in your car stuck in rush hour traffic with the rest of the loner drivers? Don’t you just wish you could whisk on by in the two or more passenger lane? A smart guy with nothing else to do opened up his own business in which he...

- The Good Car Guy Is In Boston
Random vehicular observations during The Good Car Guy's time in Boston. Ford Excursions everywhere, not the case in Canada. Merging on the highway doesn't mean stopping at the end of the ramp. A black Ford GT is a beautiful thing. Plymouth natives...

