Ingenious: Guy Makes $100-300 Per Day Accompanying Carpool Lane Commuters!

Ingenious: Guy Makes $100-300 Per Day Accompanying Carpool Lane Commuters!

Are you the lonely in your car stuck in rush hour traffic with the rest of the loner drivers? Don’t you just wish you could whisk on by in the two or more passenger lane? A smart guy with nothing else to do opened up his own business in which he rents himself to commuters who travel to work alone so they can take advantage of the carpool lane. The idea is to have another body in the car to bypass traffic jams. The price: about 10$-20$. This smart guy with nothing else to do now reportedly makes $100-$300 per day accompanying random people to work everyday! Wait, we just had an epiphany; how about just using passenger blow up dolls, and who knows, you might even get lucky… Via:

Posted by Dani

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