Vermont Farmer Goes Berserk After Marijuana Charges and Crushes 7 Police Cars with a Tractor!

Vermont Farmer Goes Berserk After Marijuana Charges and Crushes 7 Police Cars with a Tractor!

We've said it before, we'll say it again; just because a significant number of Russian drivers fit their cars with dashboard cameras offering us an omniscient view of what's going on in the country, doesn't mean the rest of the world is immune.

From crazy Brazilian drivers attacking motorcyclists to annoyed Greek motorists tipping over double-parked cars, the world can be a crazy place - the United States included.

On Thursday, August 2, Vermont farmer Roger Pion decided to show his displeasure for being arrested on marijuana charges last month by driving his tractor to the Orleans County Sheriff's Department and flattening down seven cop cars, including five marked cruisers, an unmarked vehicle and van used for transporting prisoners!

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