And This is Why Russians Use Dash-Cams

And This is Why Russians Use Dash-Cams

With all those videos circulating on the net, you shouldn't be wondering why such a large number of Russian drivers and fellow motorists from neighboring countries opt to use dashboard-mounted cameras, but if you must, here's another example of why they do. Read more »

- What The Hell Was That? Russian Dashcam Captures Massive Night Flash
A number of motorists recorded a mysterious bright orange flash that lit up the sky in Russia's Sverdlovsk region in the Urals on November 14 on their dash-cams. Read more »...

- This Is Not Your Usual Russian Dash Cam Compilation
Believe it or not, Russian dashboard cameras are not only used to capture crazy accidents and suicidal pedestrians (among others), as sometimes, drivers happen to be at the right place at the right time when motorists make a nice gesture. One YouTube...

- Why Standing In Front Of A Car And Threatening A Driver Is A Bad Idea
One would believe that with the wide availability of the internet and all those videos from dashboard-mounted cameras circulating around the web, people living in Russia and the surrounding countries would be a bit more careful when it comes to playing...

- Eco Warriors: Watch Two Toyota Prius Drivers Slowly And Greenly Squabble On A California Highway
After conquering the hearts of many Asian and even more Russian drivers, dashboard mounted cameras are slowly starting to gain popularity in the United States. While not as near as wild as some incidents in Russia, you could say that this video provides...

- Pawned: This Is Why Russians Add Dashboard Cameras To Their Cars
No doubt, you've probably seen at least a few videos shot from within a car originating from Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. Now, in the event that you were wondering why so many drivers choose to fit their vehicles with a...

