Russian Girl Gets Lucky…This Time

Russian Girl Gets Lucky…This Time

Drivers from Russia and its neighboring countries often get a bad rep in regards to protecting pedestrians (and for good reason…) on the road, but it's not always like that, as you'll see for yourself in the following video. Read more »

- This Guy Went From No1 To No2 In A Blink Of An Eye
Seriously, you can't even stop to take a leak on the side of the road these days in Russia (and its neighboring countries) without an accident occurring right behind you. Read more »...

- And This Is Why Russians Use Dash-cams
With all those videos circulating on the net, you shouldn't be wondering why such a large number of Russian drivers and fellow motorists from neighboring countries opt to use dashboard-mounted cameras, but if you must, here's another example...

- This Guy Doesn't Fool Around With Drivers Who Ignore Pedestrians
Some…or rather scratch that…a lot of drivers from Russia and the other former countries of the Soviet Union have been caught on film by dashboard cameras completely disregarding pedestrians on the road. Those who make it across the road...

- A Collection Of Crashes Involving Bmws In Russia
For some reason, BMW drivers have a bad rap, not only in America and the members of the European Union, but also in many other countries and regions around the world, including, of course, Russia and its neighbors (see an example here). This video footage...

- Crosswalks In Russia Can Be Very Hazardous For Your Health…[video]
Our video trip to Mother Russia today brings us two clips, both of which have to do with pedestrians trying to navigate the roads. In the first video, we see a Russian man making the sign of the cross just before he attempts to walk across a busy road...

