Lucky Russian Lady Should Put Down the Damn Cell Phone….

Lucky Russian Lady Should Put Down the Damn Cell Phone….

Modern ways of communications can be both a blessing and a curse. The use of cell phones, for examples, can save lives but it can also endanger them, something we've seen happen far too often with drivers (even passengers, if you recall this video) as well as pedestrians. Read more »

- Trucker Makes An Awesome Last Second Save
Watch a truck driver from Russia save his own life, as well as the lives of two irresponsible drivers and their passengers on the highway. Read more »...

- Jaywalking Plus Phone-talking Is A Very Bad Idea…
It's not only drivers who are often overly-distracted by their cell phones (see how a Russian motorists reacted to another driver talking on her mobile device here), as the same applies to pedestrians these days. Read more »...

- Dash-cam Supercut Of Russians Getting A Second Chance In Life
Are you ready for some Russian viral dash-cam goodness? We thought so. If for any reason you have missed episodes from the Motherland or just want to refresh your memory and ponder just how lucky certain people are in life, then please do check this...

- This Is Not Your Usual Russian Dash Cam Compilation
Believe it or not, Russian dashboard cameras are not only used to capture crazy accidents and suicidal pedestrians (among others), as sometimes, drivers happen to be at the right place at the right time when motorists make a nice gesture. One YouTube...

- Idiots In Road Rage Incident Almost Kill Pedestrians
It’s one thing being annoyed over something as trivial as to who's going to give way first on the road, and another when you take unwise actions and endanger the lives of others drivers and pedestrians like these two swell-headed egomaniacs....

