Jaywalking Plus Phone-Talking is a Very Bad Idea…

Jaywalking Plus Phone-Talking is a Very Bad Idea…

It's not only drivers who are often overly-distracted by their cell phones (see how a Russian motorists reacted to another driver talking on her mobile device here), as the same applies to pedestrians these days. Read more »

- Biker Tells Bmw Driver To Put Down His F***ing Phone, Bmw Driver Swipes Him Down…
Samuel Ayres, a motorcyclist who called out the driver of a BMW for talking on his cell phone, ended up in the hospital after the same motorist purportedly knocked him over moments later. Read more »...

- Tailgating And Middle Lane Hogging Will Be Punished With A £100 On-the-spot Fine In The Uk
The UK government plans to enforce new fines from July for drivers caught hogging the middle lane and tailgating. Any drivers nabbed doing any of the two offences will be fined £100 on the spot and will have three points deducted from their license....

- "lost In Thought" Drivers Cause More Accidents Than Those Using Mobile Phones, Says Study
Latest police data in the United States reveal some surprising statistics. It seems that the use of mobile phones while driving, blamed by many as one of the leading causes of traffic accidents, is not as harmful as being “lost in thought”...

- North Carolina’s Chapel Hill Is The First U.s. Town To Ban Hands-free Cell Phones While Driving
The issue of distracted driving is hotly debated in the U.S., with Transport Secretary Ray LaHood pushing to reduce activities behind the wheel that may lead to an accident. It's a fair point and that’s why, so far, 35 states and the District...

- Arnie Bans Californian Teen Drivers From Using Cell-phones
Californian teenager drivers get ready to say “Asta la vista, cell phone” as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has passed a bill that terminates the use of any electronic devices, such as cell phones, pagers, laptops, and handheld computers, while...

