Arnie Bans Californian Teen Drivers From Using Cell-Phones

Arnie Bans Californian Teen Drivers From Using Cell-Phones

Californian teenager drivers get ready to say “Asta la vista, cell phone” as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has passed a bill that terminates the use of any electronic devices, such as cell phones, pagers, laptops, and handheld computers, while behind the wheel for anyone aged between 16 to 18. Given that we sincerely doubt that any teenager is idiotic enough to use a laptop while driving –ok, better not completely rule that out, we’re basically talking about mobile-phones.

The law takes effect on July 1, 2008, just like Arnie’s second law that requires all drivers to use hands-free devices while talking on cell phones. Difference is, kids, you aren’t allowed to use hands-free devices, as supporters believe teens are too inexperienced to multi-task while driving. We don’t know if this makes you feel better, but in both cases (teenagers and adults), you’ll be fined with $20 for the first time you are caught, and $50 for each additional violation

Via: Engadget , Picture: Carscoop

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