Cyclist Rolls Through Stop Wrongly Thinking He's Sheltered by SUV

Cyclist Rolls Through Stop Wrongly Thinking He's Sheltered by SUV

A cyclist in downtown San Francisco (or so we're told) thought he would be protected if he rode alongside a Honda CR-V that rolled through a stop sign. Unfortunately, he was proven wrong.
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- Cyclist Cutting And Flipping Off Mazda Driver Learns About Instant Karma
Here's a word of advice for this cyclist: turn your head around before you cross into the road to see if someone is coming, not after to give them the two finger salute... Read more »...

- Volvo To Showcase Bicyclist Detection Technology At Ces 2015
Statistics are frightening: 50 percent of all cyclists killed in European traffic have collided with a car, while the States see nearly 50,000 cyclist fatalities and injuries each year. Read more »...

- Bicyclist Gets Nasty Deer-out-of-bushes Surprise
You can neither blame the cyclist or the deer that jumped in front of him in this instance. It’s simply a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, and doing 28 mph / 45 km/h while you’re at it. Read more »...

- This Bird Could Be The Biggest Troll Ever
Have you ever seen a bird troll a cyclist? Now you will in this footage provided by an Australian bicyclist who was harassed by a magpie on at least two separate occasions. Read more »...

- Selfish Cyclist Thinks Rally Stage Is All For Himself…
A while ago, we saw a cyclist that didn’t want to share a London street with a supercar, but this is the first time we see a cyclist using a…rally stage while the actual rally is taking place. Read more »...

