Cyclist Cutting And Flipping Off Mazda Driver Learns About Instant Karma

Cyclist Cutting And Flipping Off Mazda Driver Learns About Instant Karma

Here's a word of advice for this cyclist: turn your head around before you cross into the road to see if someone is coming, not after to give them the two finger salute...
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- Cyclist Rolls Through Stop Wrongly Thinking He's Sheltered By Suv
A cyclist in downtown San Francisco (or so we're told) thought he would be protected if he rode alongside a Honda CR-V that rolled through a stop sign. Unfortunately, he was proven wrong. Read more »...

- This Bird Could Be The Biggest Troll Ever
Have you ever seen a bird troll a cyclist? Now you will in this footage provided by an Australian bicyclist who was harassed by a magpie on at least two separate occasions. Read more »...

- This Has To Be One Of The Most Polite Accidents Ever
Cyclist Ben Koker was riding his bike through 10th and Main Streets in downtown Oregon City when a young lad crossed into the intersection without coming to a full stop and hit him. Read more »...

- Let's Dance With Drunken Kyrgyzstani Pedestrian
I guess the intoxicated young man in the video could have executed the sensual dancing act in front of an unsuspicious driver without the middle finger salute, but he did offer us one of the most lighthearted dash-cam performances we have ever seen,...

- Instant Karma For Toyota Prius Cabby Making An Illegal U-turn
This is what we call "instant karma". Bill Walsh, a bicyclist, who seems to have suffered from drivers making illegal U-turns on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., as evidenced by the head-cam videos (see below) featured on his YouTube...

