Chinese City Puts a Cap on New Car Registrations to Curb Congestion and Pollution

Chinese City Puts a Cap on New Car Registrations to Curb Congestion and Pollution

Shenzhen, a city in southern China with a population of 11 million, is the latest to cap the number of new car plates to just 100,000 per year in order to reduce traffic and air pollution.
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- Oslo Wants To Ban Cars From Its Center By 2019
Norway’s capital city Oslo aims to ban cars from its center by 2019 to help reduce pollution. Read more »...

- China Will Extend Green Vehicle Subsidies To 2020, But Only For Locally-made Cars
In its bid to reduce the air pollution that comes with the boom in car sales, which is the downside of being the largest auto market in the world, China will reportedly extend its “green” car subsidies. Read more »...

- China Unveils Plans To Take 11 Million Polluting Cars Off The Streets Within Two Years
With economic development comes pollution and no other country in the world faces greater challenges than China in this respect. In an attempt to reduce the smog that is suffocating large cities, the Chinese government has announced that it plans to...

- Beijing To Restrict Car Usage, Chinese Automakers Anticipate Market Downturn
Beijing is a city in crisis. It is, more or less, a microcosm of the world at large: smog and traffic congestion are choking China’s capital. This year, 4.7 million cars were sold in Beijing alone; nearly twice the number sold just five years...

- Beijing Peels Off 1million Cars Of The Road To Test Population Effects
You know how they say if everyone in China jumped at the same time it would cause an earthquake? Well, with a population of 1.3 billion people, anything that everyone does in China will have some sort of affect on the rest of the world. The process has...

