Beijing peels off 1million cars of the road to test population effects

Beijing peels off 1million cars of the road to test population effects

You know how they say if everyone in China jumped at the same time it would cause an earthquake? Well, with a population of 1.3 billion people, anything that everyone does in China will have some sort of affect on the rest of the world. The process has begun in Beijing where authorities are planning to conduct a trial period that consists of keeping one million cars off the road to test the effect on population.

One million of Beijing’s cars represent about 1/3 of the vehicles on the road in that city. The trial is going to last for two weeks, from August 7th-20th. This test is being conducted in plans for the upcoming 2008 Olympics in Beijing to see whether it’s worth limiting the amount of traffic on the road for the Olympic period. We’d agree this is a step into the right direction for China since, according to analysts, China could overtake the US this year as the worlds largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

Posted by Dani

Via: bbc

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