BMW 3-Series Touring vs Estonian Tram: Driver Made it Out Unharmed!

BMW 3-Series Touring vs Estonian Tram: Driver Made it Out Unharmed!

Looking at the above picture, it's hard to believe that the driver of this black BMW 3-Series Touring actually managed to escape unscathed from this extremely tight fit between a tram and a traffic pole in the city of Tallinn in Estonia. And even though most of the photos were taken while the firefighters were trying to rip the car apart in order to free the tram, still, this driver should consider him extremely fortunate. And in case you're wondering, he's the guy with the long hair sitting at the rear bench of the bimmer fiddling around with his cell phone and laptop - any humorous captions are more than welcome.

See the entire Photo Album here : Pilt (via: Fishki)

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