This is What Happens When You're in a Hurry

This is What Happens When You're in a Hurry

So, you're still pondering why it's not always good idea to rush and push forward in traffic to take a spot up front – especially when you add train and / or tram rails in the equation? Perhaps then, this video can shed some more light upon these situations. Read more »

- He Rushes Through A Yellow Light, Pays The Price…twice
Cutting it thin and trying to rush through a yellow light the very last moment before it turns red is a risky business – especially if there's traffic ahead. Read more »...

- This Has To Be The Most Unnerving Traffic Sequence Ever
It would be amazing if rush hour traffic actually worked like this. Maybe that's why it's so terrifying nothing goes wrong in this video. Read more »...

- Watch A Container Truck Fall Right In Front Of One Very Lucky Motorcycle Rider
Rest assured, if the scooter rider featured in this clip had not been able to back up a couple of feet before the container truck tipped over, we wouldn't be showing you this video footage shot from a nearby security camera. Then again, if he wasn't...

- How To Change Lanes In A Toyota Land Cruiser Like A Hoon
Like most of you, we have also noticed that there's an increasing number of wild incidents in Russia that involve Toyota Land Cruisers. A few recent examples include a Land Cruiser that hit a pedestrian, another one that purposely splashed mud water...

- This Toyota Land Cruiser Feels Like A Train On Rails
Like any other country in the world, Russia has its fair share of traffic jams with motorists always trying to find a shortcut to avoid wasting hours on end waiting in line. Some, of course, are much more imaginative and reckless dare-devilish than...

