Videos: Police vs Car & Police vs Motorcycle

Videos: Police vs Car & Police vs Motorcycle

During our “coffee-time break” we’ve made it a habit of skimming Youtube in search of weird, inmtresting or just plain stupid car or motorcycle related vids. Today we fell upon the above video that features a guy in a Toyota Celica who’s been cornered by the Police in the UK. We won’t spoil all the fun by telling you what happened but you’ll be surprised with his stamina. Talking about police chases, that reminded us of a video of a Volvo Police car chasing a motorcycle that we saw on our fellow bloggers at Motorpasion a couple of days ago. Although not so dramatic as the first vid, but after you see it you’ll agree that the cop was one lucky son of a gun…
-Continued: Click “Read More…” below to see the second video

Police vs Motorcycle -Via: Motorpasion

Technorati: Youtube, Video, Police, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007

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