Video: The Mother of All Car Jump Fails

Video: The Mother of All Car Jump Fails

Take a good look at the opening picture above: what you see are the backs of two men in racing costumes, what they see is the road from several feet above the ground in a 90-degree angle…

But let's rewind. What you're about to watch is two stuntmen trying an ambitious jump in what appears to be a Dacia of the 1300 series. According to the person that took the video, the time is 1995 and the place is the Romanian city of Alba Iulia.

For whatever reasons, the jump didn't go as planned and as a result, the Dacia flew into the air only to drop down like a brick well before reaching the ramp on the other side. Amazingly, at the end of the clip we can see the driver and the front passenger walking out of the car alive!

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