Unbelievable: Teen Jumps Moving Car, Hits Windshield, Flips Over and Lands on His Feet!

Unbelievable: Teen Jumps Moving Car, Hits Windshield, Flips Over and Lands on His Feet!

After watching this video, you'll probably be wondering if this guy is for real – and by that, we mean if this is a genuine incident and not a digitally manipulated one (you can never be sure this day and age), and if so, how can one be so foolish to attempt this kind of a stunt?

The guy, who looks like he is in his late teens, had a female friend drive her Nissan Sentra while he was running towards the car and then tried to jump or rather run over it, but he stumbled on the bonnet and hit his knee of the windshield, which caused him to flip over in the process. Unbelievably, he landed on his feet!

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