Trying to Stop a Tank with Your Hands is a Brave but Unwise Move…

Trying to Stop a Tank with Your Hands is a Brave but Unwise Move…

Footage of pro-Russia supporters standing up against a tank, or rather an armored personnel carrier (APC), which was rolling down the road in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, surfaced online today. Read more »

- A Drifting Tank On Ice Will Make You Wish Zombies Were Real
If you have a thing for armored vehicles you are gonna love this one. Howe and Howe Technologies have built what looks like a tank but without the cannon. Read more »...

- Ah, So That's Why Citizens Shouldn't Seize And Play With Tanks….
In the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, which has turned into something of a battlefield between government troops and pro-Russia separatists, military vehicles like the Soviet tracked infantry-fighter BMP-1 have become a common sight on the roads, with all...

- Watch Ukrainian Forces Trap And Smash Activist's Car In The Middle Of A Highway
Dramatic footage of Ukrainian security officers trapping a Citroen hatch on a highway at night near the capital city of Kiev, viciously attacking and smashing the vehicle has just surfaced on YouTube. Read more »...

- Bus Driver Thinks He's Superman
Most people would secretly like to believe that there's a little Superman hiding inside us. Take this driver, for example, who tried to stop a runaway bus from rolling into the road (allegedly somewhere in Russia) by holding on to the windscreen...

- Update #1
Yesterday's first 310km saw our transportation device (those are my friendliest words for the vehicle) maintain a fuel efficient pace. At the rate we're going and in the places we're driving, we will drive 550 km on the first tank, a 50L tank,...

