This Dash-Cam Video Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

This Dash-Cam Video Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

You can almost feel this (Russia?) driver's blood boiling and the frustration mounting to glacial proportions as he tries to navigate through oncoming traffic…in his lane.
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- Truck Violently Slams Into Oncoming Van
We’re baffled as to what could have caused this truck driver to suddenly swerve into the oncoming lane just as a van was passing the other way. Read more »...

- Snow Rally Stage Ends Surprisingly Bad…
Whoever set up this night rally stage should be fired because the blood is definitely on the organizers’ flag on this one. The video posted below is pretty self-explanatory, as the driver of the rally car with the dash-mounted cam speeds through...

- Florida Driver Claims Cops Beat Him For Not Rolling Down His Window
A dash-cam video showing a confrontation between a driver and a St Petersburg (that's Florida…not Russia) Police officer has gone viral. Read more »...

- Опа! Another Driver Gets Really Lucky In Snow Covered Road
Thanks to the number of drivers who have fitted their cars with dashboard mounted cameras, we have the opportunity to see how fortunate some of them are in potentially life-threatening situations on the road. This video reportedly takes us to Russia...

- Crosswalks In Russia Can Be Very Hazardous For Your Health…[video]
Our video trip to Mother Russia today brings us two clips, both of which have to do with pedestrians trying to navigate the roads. In the first video, we see a Russian man making the sign of the cross just before he attempts to walk across a busy road...

