That's Just Crazy…One Accident Leads to Another in Russia

That's Just Crazy…One Accident Leads to Another in Russia

When you have some carefree drivers not paying attention to the road behind them slowing down to a walking pace, and others speeding like there's no tomorrow, serious accidents are bound to happen. Read more »

- Watch Two Inattentive Russian Drivers Get Themselves In A Mess
No matter how many times you view the two following incidents recorded on dash-cams in Russia, you won't be able to justify the actions of the two drivers, who simply put, weren't paying any attention on the road and ended up crashing their rides....

- Motorcyclist Plants Face In Open Car Door In Kiev
The fact that there are so many vehicles on the road, of varying size, shape and behavior means that accidents are bound to happen. For instance, drivers of regular passenger cars who have not tried guiding a motorized two-wheeled vehicle through traffic...

- Hyundai I10 Almost Makes A Perfect Triple Somersault In Kiev
Not paying attention to the road and what's going on in front of your car can be hazardous for your health. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it, yet some drivers insist on being completely careless. In this video shot in Kiev, Ukraine, we...

- Driver Startled By Car Stopping At A Pedestrian Crossing, Makes A Run For It
As we have seen more times than we care to remember, slowing down at a zebra crossing is something not all Russian drivers are accustomed to, which leads to myriads of accidents like this one. Only difference here is that after seemingly smashing into...

- Highway Bump In The Behinds Overturns Daewoo Matiz In South Korea
We guess someone wasn't paying attention to the road, which is kind of scary if you think about it, as this accident that was caught on camera could happen to anyone. Granted, the Daewoo Matiz (did you know that its design was based on a rejected...

