Meanwhile in Russia #11: Butt-Close J-Turn, Accident Waiting to Happen, Scream and Bimmer Alert

Meanwhile in Russia #11: Butt-Close J-Turn, Accident Waiting to Happen, Scream and Bimmer Alert

Our daily roundup of Russian road madness begins with the driver of a Lada Classic sedan performing the so-called J-Turn maneuver, which calls for a 180-degree turn while in reverse. Somehow, we don't remember pedestrians being part of the stunt…

A slow moving tractor pulling a tanker-like trailer without any lights or reflectors at night is an accident just waiting to happen and guess what; it did but it wasn't the tractor that received the bad news.

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- One Very Alert Moscow Driver Shows Us How To Avoid An Accident
There's always a little bit of luck involved when one manages to escape an accident or a series of mishaps on the road, but we're going to say that this particular Russian driver was also very alert and capable behind the wheel. The person at...

- Can You Guess What Happens Next In This Scene?
We are no tractor specialists or anything of the sort, and we could be wrong, but tilting a tractor forward at a 45-degree angle and at the same time, having its mechanical arm extended all the way out, doesn't exactly sound safe, and in this case...

- Meanwhile In Russia: A Lorry Breaks Free, Bmw Hit And Run, Bad Lada And Garbage Truck Overload
Our daily dashcam-video cruise through the hazardous roads of Russia begins with the driver of a large truck that either fell asleep on the wheel or had a problem with his brakes and crashed into two cars waiting for the green light, almost hitting a...

- Keep On Driving: Russian Driver Goes On With At Least Three Flat Tires
From our "that looks perfectly safe" files comes this video that shows a Russian driver of what could be a Volga (if we're wrong, drop us a note in the comments) running on at least three flat tires on the highway. Truly an accident just...

- And The Prize For The Most Reckless Driver Goes To…
Dashboard mounted car cameras are just about as common as snow in Russia giving us an insight on what your average driver has to deal with on a daily basis. In the following video, you will find one of the most reckless drivers we've ever watched...

