Man Rigs Fuel Pump So Friends Could Steal Gas!

Man Rigs Fuel Pump So Friends Could Steal Gas!

If it weren’t for the surging fuel prices, this story would have slipped our attention. A yet unidentified man managed to unlock a gas pump at a Citgo station in South Florida allowing his friends to steal an estimated 100 gallons of gas. The thefts happened on Friday night, just after midnight and according to the owner of the gas station Frank Veloso, seven cars managed to get away with free premium gas. The owner believes that the man pictured in the surveillance video used a master key to open up the gas pump.

"It's not our fault that the prices of gas have gotten so expensive, but now because of the expenses that we have to incur to protect ourselves, it only makes sense that we're going to have to raise prices even more," said Frank Veloso Jr., the owner's son.

Thanks for the tip Jose! , Via: NBC

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