Driver Captures Illegal Maneuvers And A Couple Of Close Calls On Dashcam In One Day

Driver Captures Illegal Maneuvers And A Couple Of Close Calls On Dashcam In One Day

Even though Russians are notorious for bringing us truly "priceless" dashcam footage, drivers from other countries can be just as bad when it comes to taking risks and doing stupid things in traffic.
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- Young Russians From “stop A D-bag” Movement Prevent Drivers From Riding Sidewalks
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- Cop Shoots Unarmed Man Reaching For His Driver's License
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- What Goes Up On A Steep, Icy Road, Must Come Down…
The great English physicist Isaac Newton famously described gravity by stating, "What goes up, must come down" after watching the fall of an apple from a tree, or at least that's what we're told in his biography written by one of his...

- This Is Not Something You Want To See In Front Of You On A Highway….
We know what some of you may be thinking; "Ah, another crazy day in Russia". Well, if you are, you're wrong, because this dashcam footage was filmed on a highway in Las Vegas. And while it was an extremely close call, the kind where if...

