Crouching Dog - Hidden Dame: Dog crashes car during a driving lesson course in China…

Crouching Dog - Hidden Dame: Dog crashes car during a driving lesson course in China…

Although this story could have come from a hypothetical parody version of Ang Lee's acclaimed Crouching Tiger - Hidden Dragon movie, it is in fact, totally true.

A Chinese woman surnamed Li from Hohhot, a city located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was involved in a very strange accident. According to Associated Press, Li decided to give "old Spocky" a few driving lessons as he seemed very fond of crouching on the steering wheel and he often stared at her when she was driving

So Li took "old Spocky" in her arms and gave him the steering wheel while she took control of the brake and the accelerator pedal. Unfortunately for Li, she didn't manage to go far before "old Spock" decided to perform a crash test on an oncoming car. Luckily, no one got hurt -with exception maybe of "old Spocks" self esteem...

Technorati: Dog, Animals, funny, humor, autos, auto+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles

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