Chinese Scooter Rider Daydreams and Almost Loses His Head

Chinese Scooter Rider Daydreams and Almost Loses His Head

How can you possibly miss an entire semi-truck driving in front of you?
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- Where Do You Think You're Going?
Get ready for a head-scratcher; how can you possibly miss a fuchsia colored tram crossing the road? Read more »...

- Watch A Container Truck Fall Right In Front Of One Very Lucky Motorcycle Rider
Rest assured, if the scooter rider featured in this clip had not been able to back up a couple of feet before the container truck tipped over, we wouldn't be showing you this video footage shot from a nearby security camera. Then again, if he wasn't...

- This Scooter Mom's Act Of Kindness Should Serve As A Lesson To Us All
Most of the times, it’s the bad apples and their reckless actions that hog the limelight on the internet, so for a change, here's a dashcam video that records the actions of a kind hearted driver, or to be precise, a scooter rider. The young...

- Gone With The Wind: Scooter Rider Edition
The vast majority of bikers involved in an accident, no matter how small it may appear to be, will at least sit down to take a breath even if they are not hurt, but not this scooter rider who crashed into the side of a Toyota Camry while attempting to...

- A Little Bit Of Luck And A Good Set Of Tires Can Save The Day
The last thing you want to see coming out of the corner of a wet road is a semi-trailer truck folded in two heading straight towards you. A combination of luck and possibly a good set of tires and brakes helped this driver avoid the worst when he was...

