Breaking News: Suzuki Takes Volkswagen to International Court

Breaking News: Suzuki Takes Volkswagen to International Court

Suzuki has just released a press statement saying that, because of the Volkswagen Group's unwillingness to sell back 19.9% of its own shares, it has made the decision to take the dispute to an international court for arbitration, marking the latest episode in a long-standing spat between the two automakers. Read more »

- Volkswagen Abandons Appeal Against Suzuki And The Use Of The Gti Moniker
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- Suzuki Moves Ahead Without Vw And Signs New Diesel Engine Deal With Fiat
Regular readers will no doubt remember the clash between the Volkswagen Group and Suzuki Motors with the Germans refusing to let go of their 19.9 percent equity stake in the Japanese company and Suzuki taking the matter to the international court. While...

- Unhappily Ever After: Suzuki Says Vw Deal Is Terminated, Wolfsburg Doesn’t Think So…
Suzuki announced today that the cooperation agreement with VW has been terminated and threatened to take the case to an international court for arbitration if the German company continues to hold on to its 19.9% stake. “In the absence of VW’s...

- Suzuki Wants To Dissolve Partnership With Volkswagen, But The Germans Say ‘nein’
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- Gm Sells Leftover Suzuki Stake To Raise Cash
While awaiting a decision on a $25 billion U.S. government aid for the auto industry, cash-strapped General Motors decided to sell back its 3.0 percent stake in Suzuki Motor Cooperation for 22.37 billion yen or $230 million. Suzuki issued an official...

