Biker Tells BMW Driver To Put Down His F***ing Phone, BMW Driver Swipes Him Down…

Biker Tells BMW Driver To Put Down His F***ing Phone, BMW Driver Swipes Him Down…

Samuel Ayres, a motorcyclist who called out the driver of a BMW for talking on his cell phone, ended up in the hospital after the same motorist purportedly knocked him over moments later.
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- Err…i Believe You Have To Turn The Wheel When Turning
This is one of those times I wish I could say that the driver was talking on the phone or sending a text message. It would have made things so much easier to explain this accident. Read more »...

- Asshat Bmw Driver Of The Day Knocks Down Motorcyclist
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to sit behind the wheel of any car. Plain and simple. Take this driver of an older generation BMW 5-Series sedan (E34) for example. Not only does he begin to veer to the right lane without looking at his mirrors...

- Russian Driver Scolds Cops For Not Wearing Seat Belts And Talking On The Phone
In what might one of the funniest encounters between a civilian driver and Russian police officers we've seen to date, a man captures two cops in a car completely off guard when he opens the window of his BMW (perhaps that may have something to do...

- Close Call For Motorcyclist That Almost Gets Sandwiched Between Two Vehicles
A motorcyclist found himself in a very tight and dangerous spot when he foolishly tried to pass between a Mazda3 sedan and a large truck. In the process, the biker knocked down the car's passenger mirror and instead of pulling over to apologize,...

- Robert Kubica Discharged From Hospital, Still A Long Way Before F1 Return
Formula 1 driver Robert Kubica has left the Santa Corona hospital in Italy where he had spent the last 11 weeks after a scary rally accident. According to a hospital statement, the Polish driver is in good condition and will soon begin rehab. “He...

