Belarusian Rider Showing Off Slips and Gets Trapped Under his Bike…

Belarusian Rider Showing Off Slips and Gets Trapped Under his Bike…

Oh, yes, this is one of those videos that will force you to push your palm gently (or not) towards your face. Caught on film from a following vehicle's dashboard camera on the streets of Minsk in Belarus, the incident begins and ends with a frisky motorcycle rider showing off. However, it's what took place in between that interests us the most. Read more »

- Macho Jerk In California Slaps Motorcyclist Who Captures It On Film
Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you had a camera to record everything? Well, this motorcycle rider from California did, as he had mounted a small camera on top of his helmet filming an incident that took place this week, just outside...

- Reckless…pedestrian Overturns Bmw Motorcyclist, Rider Gets Trapped Under Bike
As hard as it may to believe without watching the video footage, a pedestrian that was running across a busy road somewhere in Russia (where else…) was to blame for the overturning of a BMW motorcycle that landed on top of its rider. We cannot...

- The Perks Of Leaving Your Dashboard Camera Filming When Someone Breaks Into Your Car
Typically, the footage we get to see from dashboard cameras show accidents involving the car in which the device is mounted on or other, unrelated vehicles. This time, however, we get the opportunity to witness the temporary theft of the digital camera...

- Oops...tour Bus Driver Ready For A Fight Forgets To Pull Handbrake
A driver of a tourist bus wanted to play hardball with a rider of a small scooter during a road-rage incident, which presumably took place somewhere in Asia, but in the end, he only managed to make a fool of himself as he forgot to pull the handbrake...

- Dancing With The Bikes: The Most Twisted Video You’ll See Today
What you’re about to see in the following video is one of the weirdest motorcycle accidents ever with an unexpected -yet admittedly, highly enjoyable-twist. It features two racing motorcycles and their respective drivers during a round of the...

