You Might End Up Feeling Sorry For This Guy

You Might End Up Feeling Sorry For This Guy

You shouldn't normally feel sorry for people driving through pedestrian crossings, blatantly violating the rules and common sense, but you might just make a small exception for this remorseful fella.
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- Granny Lives Another Day As Speeding Truck Goes Off The Road To Avoid Crash
As a driver, pedestrian crossings are probably the number one thing to watch, as a failure to stop the car when someone crosses the road can result in serious injuries or even death. Read more »...

- This Guy Has Our Permission To Talk On His Phone Whenever He Wants
Usually, we're against people talking on mobile devices when driving or walking across a road, and for very good reasons, but we'll make a special exception for this guy. Read more »...

- Moron Alert: Nissan Gt-r Driver Crashes Right Into A Lexus Rx
Yes, it's head-scratching, Russian dash-cam time again and here we have a foolish and impatient driver, who after this incident, shouldn't really be allowed behind the wheel of any car, let alone one of the likes of the Nissan GT-R, for a very...

- Here's A New Candidate For Idiot Driver Of The Year
We have seen drivers speed through pedestrian crossings like there's no tomorrow before, but this incident really takes the cake and it's purely a miracle that no one was killed. Filmed on November 5, 2012 (the YouTube poster says the date on...

- Bummer: Sitting On The Trunk Of A Car That's About To Leave Is A Very Bad Idea [video]
Common sense says that you shouldn't lie down and get cozy on a vehicle's trunk when the driver is inside and the engine is running, but some people just need to learn their lesson the hard way. We can't say for sure if the driver saw the...

