Would You Have Spotted this Stuffed / Stuck Rodent?

Would You Have Spotted this Stuffed / Stuck Rodent?

Not all Russian dash-cam videos are about violence and painful accidents; some are on the lighter and even on the more caring side.
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- Spongebob, Mickey And Scrat Attack Driver In Fuzzy Road Rage Incident
If you were just wondering how much more bizarre can Russian dash-cam videos get, we think the following episode will set the bar pretty high…if it's real. Read more »...

- Lada Has Explosive...bagarrhea
Don’t ever dismiss Russian dash-cam videos until the fat lady from Samara sings. More often than not, there's a head-scratching, surprise-ending awaiting for you right around the corner. Read more »...

- Girls Falling From The Sky In Korea? Not Exactly…
In any other case, it could be God's gift to man, but not this time, and the only reason we're using a lighter tone on this otherwise painful and dangerous accident is that the woman involved made it out alive. In the first half of the video...

- Dash-cam Supercut Of Russians Getting A Second Chance In Life
Are you ready for some Russian viral dash-cam goodness? We thought so. If for any reason you have missed episodes from the Motherland or just want to refresh your memory and ponder just how lucky certain people are in life, then please do check this...

- Mercedes-benz Knocks Over Toyota Suv Onto Another Mercedes-benz
Welcome to another edition of our dash-cam video segment of accidents with a strange outcome. This episode comes to us from the former capital of Kazakhstan and still the nation's largest city, Almaty. The car you need to pay attention to is the...

