Volvo Testing Road Magnets to Help Self-Driving Cars Position Themselves [w/Video]

Volvo Testing Road Magnets to Help Self-Driving Cars Position Themselves [w/Video]

Volvo has completed a research project that uses magnets on the roadway to help autonomous cars determine their position. One of the crucial issues in the development of self-driving cars is reliable and accurate positioning, with Volvo saying magnets are better than GPS and cameras. That’s because the latter have limitations in certain conditions, while road-integrated magnets remain unaffected by physical obstacles and poor weather conditions. Read more »

- Volvo Frees 100 Self-driving Cars Into Gothenburg Traffic [w/video]
Google’s autonomous cars are not the only ones making headlines, as Volvo has announced that its first self-driving cars are already rolling on the streets of Gothenburg in Sweden. Volvo says that the “Drive Me” project, which includes...

- The Volvo Of The Future Will Drop You Off And Park All By Itself [w/video]
We’ve heard a lot about autonomous driving in recent years, but how about autonomous parking? Volvo has given this a thought and is developing the technology that will make autonomous parking a reality in the future. A Volvo V40 prototype fitted...

- Why Hitchhiking On A Frozen Road Is A Bad Idea
Staying put well inside the boundaries of road is never a good idea, even more so if the weather conditions are very poor – i.e. rain, snow and ice. However, to the defense of the hitchhikers seen in this video, the man driving the dashboard...

- Audi Brand Promo: Nothing Sticks Like Quattro [with Video]
At the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in Canada, communications Company Lowe Roche has stuck hundreds of 1:43 scale Audi quattro models to metal surfaces as part of an ad campaign by Audi. Fitted with strong magnets and stuck to lamp posts,...

- Volvo Launches High-tech Systems That Alert Tired & Distracted Drivers
According to Volvo, studies show that up to 90 per cent of all traffic accidents are caused by driver distraction. To be frank, that sounds far too simplified but whatev. In order to prevent this from happening , Volvo will introduce a world-first technology,...

