Video: Iveco’s Amphibious Terramare ATV

Video: Iveco’s Amphibious Terramare ATV

The Terramare is a prototype amphibious vehicle based on the Iveco Daily 4x4. Developed by Milan-born engineer Maurizio Zanisi, the Terramare managed to successfully cross the Corsica Channel in a 75 nautical miles voyage that took about 14 hours to complete.

According to the Italian manufacturer, the reason behind the crossing was to draw attention to the injustice experienced by sections of the population in Mali who are deprived of their right to water. In particular, the Terramare project will promote a water supply and sanitation project implemented along the Niger River, which is supporting 12,000 people by guaranteeing each person 25 liters of drinking water per day on a permanent basis. -Video after the jump

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