Video: 15year-old with a BMW E30 M3 nearly outwits cop in car chase

Video: 15year-old with a BMW E30 M3 nearly outwits cop in car chase

This kid might be 15 but he definitely knows his driving as he totally “pwned” the pursuing cop in the Chevy Camaro V8. However, despite the fact that no one was hurt in the end, you’ll agree with us that this was one hell of a stupid move on behalf of the 15year-old. He
risked not only his own life, but also the lives of the cops and more importantly, the lives of innocent and totally unaware by-passers who could have been seriously hurt for no reason at all.

Technorati: BMW+M3, E30, Youtube, Video, police, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007

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