Toyota Owner Teaches Jaguar Driver Taking Two Parking Spots a Lesson

Toyota Owner Teaches Jaguar Driver Taking Two Parking Spots a Lesson

Have you ever been frustrated with a driver who takes up more than one parking spots with his or her car? Sure you have, but usually there's nothing you can do about it other than nag and lose your calm for a few minutes as you look for another place to park your ride. Unless, that is, said driver is a repeat offender and the aforementioned parking lot is under your house or office…. Read more »

- An Increasing Number Of U.s. Parking Garages Charge Suvs More Than Other Body Styles
If you’re an SUV owner or driver you should prepare to pay more for parking, as a strange practice is beginning to spread across the United States, especially in big cities with limited space. SUV and truck drivers are required to pay more for...

- Two Boston Parking Spaces Sell For $560,000 During Bidding War Between Neighbors!
How much would you be willing to pay for a parking space you badly need? We’re guessing that, for most people, it can’t be $280,000 (€209,770). Yes, you read that right, a man in Boston paid $560,000 (€419,760) for two tandem...

- London Company Hires "van-sitters" To Double Park Its Cars And Run From Traffic Wardens
In most of Europe’s biggest cities, the lack of parking spaces is probably the most stressful aspect of being a driver. Not to mention the cost of parking or the fines for illegal parking, which can amount to £120 (€142) in London. The...

- Suv Caught On Camera Flying Off A Parking Lot Deck In Turkey
A Turkish driver had the ride of his life when he tried to give way to a passing car at a parking lot in the city of Istanbul. According to local news reports, the driver of the SUV applied to much pressure on the gas pedal and as a result, he went...

- Ay Ay Ay! How To Rattle The Nerves Of Even The Calmest Of Drivers
If there's one thing that's sure to grind the gears of any driver in the world, that would be a fellow driver that does not know what he or she is doing causing a traffic jam in the process. The following video seems to have been filmed from...

