Top 5 Best-Selling Trucks In America - January 2012

Top 5 Best-Selling Trucks In America - January 2012

2011 Toyota Tacoma Grille
There's nothing unusual about seeing the Ford F-Series atop any leaderboard. Indeed, Ford is starting off 2012 by sticking with what's commonly known: the F-Series pickup range, America's best-selling truck in 2011, was the best-selling truck in America in January 2012.

It hasn't been so normal of late to see gains being made by Toyota products, but January was a different story for most Toyota Motor Corp. products. General Motors, on the other hand, reported year-over-year declines at all four brands. Most good news coming out of GM in January related to the company's passenger cars. The Impala, Cruze, and Malibu fared better in January 2012 than a year prior. Moreover, they were America's three-best-selling American cars. The Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra hung on to their normal positions, second and fourth among pickup trucks, but slid noticeably, taking GM with them.

There'll be more on pickup trucks in the coming days when GoodCarBadCar adds to this by tabling and charting every other pickup truck's January 2012 performance. For now, take a good long look at this U.S. best-selling trucks list. It does a fairly good job at symbolizing January's industry sales data. Always check the dropdown menu at the top right of this screen to access monthly and yearly sales data on any model currently on sale in North America.

Best-Selling SUV
January 2012
Ford F-Series
38,493 + 7.5%
Chevrolet Silverado
26,850 - 4.7%
Dodge Ram
17,909 + 46.8%
GMC Sierra
9517 - 10.4%
Toyota Tacoma
8898 + 24.6%
Source: Manufacturers & ANDC 
Red font indicates year-over-year declining sales

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