This is Why You Should Always Stop Well Inside the Breakdown Lane

This is Why You Should Always Stop Well Inside the Breakdown Lane

Unfortunately, the imprudent actions of one individual can have dire consequences on many drivers on the road. You can see that in this dramatic incident that took place on a highway in Thailand on Sunday, when what appears to be an overloaded pickup truck pulled over to the shoulder, but the driver didn't move the vehicle safely inside the emergency lane leaving it stepping on the regular lane. Read more »

- Pickup Driver Who Almost Ran Over Biker Gets His Head Checked…
Whichever way you see it, it's hard to understand the logic behind the actions of this Ford pickup driver who crossed into the opposite lane and almost hit a motorcyclist. Read more »...

- Hyundai I10 Almost Makes A Perfect Triple Somersault In Kiev
Not paying attention to the road and what's going on in front of your car can be hazardous for your health. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it, yet some drivers insist on being completely careless. In this video shot in Kiev, Ukraine, we...

- Meanwhile In Russia: Save Of The Day, Aquaplaning Sucks, Wood Overload, And A T-bone
In this episode of Carscoop's "Meanwhile in Russia", we begin with a reckless truck driver trying to overtake another lorry on a two-lane road. No doubt, this could have ended much, much worse if the driver of the oncoming passenger car...

- Video: Thoughtless Renault Driver Slams Into Parked Firetruck
Does someone really have to tell you to slow down when there's an accident on the road? Well, apparently for some drivers, the answer to that question is yes. And this despite the fact that in this particular incident, which took place in the Netherlands,...

- Left Lane Drivers: Move Over!
Finally, our road rage prayers have been answered! We received an email a couple of days ago from a group of totally annoyed people, who convened to begin the "Left Land Drivers of America", a grassroots effort to get those slow-pokes that dilly-dally...

