This is What You'd Call Less Than Inch from Death

This is What You'd Call Less Than Inch from Death

There's no way of telling if this motorcycle rider from Russia was fully aware of how terribly close he came to death or an extremely long visit to a local hospital at best, but if he ever does check out this dash-cam video on the interwebs, he'll sure as hell thank Lady Luck for making it out completely unscathed. Read more »

- You Won't Believe How Lucky This Pedestrian Was, But Neither Will He…
Every man has his day in luck. For this old chap, Lady Luck paid a visit and hovered over, or shall we say, around him, as he was crossing the road. A driver of an old sedan that looks like its from Russia, who had just passed the pedestrian crossing...

- Quite Possibly, The Most Awesome Hagwalah-style Save Ever
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- "oh Shit" Moment Of The Day [nsfw]
Taking a ride out in the forest with your motorcycle can be a very enjoyable and relaxing experience - just as long nobody pops out of the corner… Not as dramatic as this or this motorcycle video but a very close call nevertheless and you can watch...

- Chuck Norris Approved: Motorcyclist Cheats Death, Walks Away
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- Russian Students Build Death Race Style Chevy Camaro
Inspired from the 2008 action film Death Race (which was a remake of the 1975 movie Death Race 2000) that revolves around a group of inmates racing their cars in a gladiator-like fight-to-the-end competition, a team of Russian students from Moscow's...

