This is The World's Luckiest Pedestrian Alive

This is The World's Luckiest Pedestrian Alive

Don't feel bad if your tongue inadvertently unleashes a NSFW tirade after watching the following dash-cam footage.
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- Lada Hits And Throws Girl In The Air, She Stands Up And Walks Away!
If there's something we've learned from watching all these dash-cam videos over the years, it's that you just can't walk safely across the road in Russia without making absolutely sure there's no vehicle coming from either way, regardless...

- Road Collapses Overturning A Dump Truck On A Dodge, Yet Driver Makes It Out Alive
You may have a hard time believing it when you see the dash-cam footage and even more so, the shocking photos of the aftermath with the sandwiched Dodge Stratus, but according to Russian media, Moscow firefighters were able to rescue the 65-year old...

- Is She For Real? Indian Woman Jumps In Front Of A Train, Comes Out Unscathed!
If this video footage, allegedly sourced from a CCTV camera installed in a metro station somewhere in the metropolitan region of Delhi in India, is real and not the cheeky work of some talented youngster behind a computer screen with nothing else better...

- Reckless…pedestrian Overturns Bmw Motorcyclist, Rider Gets Trapped Under Bike
As hard as it may to believe without watching the video footage, a pedestrian that was running across a busy road somewhere in Russia (where else…) was to blame for the overturning of a BMW motorcycle that landed on top of its rider. We cannot...

- Man Drives On The Wrong Side Of A Scottish Highway For Miles On End [nsfw]
After watching this video of a man in a Renault Clio driving for miles on end on the wrong way of a highway in Scotland, we can say that without any doubt, the person behind the steering wheel of the French supermini has some loose nuts in his head....

