The Mother of All Potholes in Russia takes down Three Cars and a Truck

The Mother of All Potholes in Russia takes down Three Cars and a Truck

Pothole Russia MoscowIf we tried really hard we could probably come up with something smart to say about this larger-than-life pothole in Moscow, Russia, that gulped down three passenger cars and a large truck, but we just had to repeat a side-splitting reader comment that we saw on EnglishRussia that reported the story: "Russians are so rich, they fill the holes on their roads with new cars and trucks"...

Via: EnglishRussia

Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow
Pothole Russia Moscow

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