Tata Jumps Into the Future with ConnectNext EV Concept

Tata Jumps Into the Future with ConnectNext EV Concept

Whereas Tata Motor's Nexon concept (very) loosely hinted at a possible small crossover addition to its range, there are no such plans for the ConnectNext that was made to show how the brand envisions the future. Read more »

- Tata Taps Into India's Obsession For Small Crossovers With Nexon Concept
You can now add Tata to the growing list of carmakers presenting concepts for small crossovers at the Delhi Auto Expo 2014 in India. The country's biggest auto manufacturer and the world's 16th by volume, revealed the new Design Concept Nexon...

- India's Big Daddy Customs Gets Creative With Tata Sumo Grande
The blue-colored gem you're looking at in these pictures is the XENON concept based on the Indian market Tata Sumo Grande crossover and it was made by local replica and coach-builder Big Daddy Customs. In contrast to the two previous models from...

- Indian Debut For Pininfarina-styled Tata Pr1ma Sedan Concept
Following its world premiere at last year's Geneva Salon, Tata brought its oddly named Pr1ma concept car back home for the New Delhi motor show. Designed and built by famous Italian coachbuilder Pininfarina, the Pr1ma is suppose to offer an indication...

- Vw And Suzuki Reportedly Planning To Develop $4300-$5300 Low Cost Small Car For India And Europe
The newly forged Volkswagen Group - Suzuki alliance plans to develop a new low cost small car for India as well as Europe and other markets, the Economic Times reported on Friday. The business daily said that the new vehicle, which will act as a replacement...

- The Tata Xjr?
Consider it a safe assumption that you'll never see an XJR, XK, or XF rebadged as a Tata. Reports are also pushing speculation into safe assumptions that Tata is about to land Jaguar and Land Rover for $2,000,000,000, however. Time the purchase of...

