Study Says Men Seven Times more Stressed than Women in Traffic Jams
A new research by satellite navigation company TomTom reveals that men’s stress levels rise seven times higher than a women's when stuck in heavy traffic. British psychologists reached this conclusion after testing volunteers for the rise in stress chemicals in their saliva when caught up in a traffic jam.
The study found that women's stress levels increased by 8.7 percent, while men's soared to 60 percent in the same traffic jam scenario. According to UK specialists, this could prove unhealthy as it puts pressure on the heart and causes dizziness and breathing problems. However, many of the volunteers had no idea they were experiencing stress. 67 percent of the women and 50 percent of men said they did not feel any stress after 20 minutes in heavy traffic, even though the readings showed otherwise.
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Us Road Fatalities Down 25% In Last Decade, Hit An All-time Low
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Another Taiwanese Traffic Cop Struck By A Careless Driver
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The Force Is Strong With This One: Darth Vader Successfully Appeals Parking Ticket
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Video: Nissan Skylines Drifting With The Ladies On Top
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Ford Hires Santos, A Virtual Soldier Turned Into Worker
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