Smart Call by Korean Driver Faced with Out of Control Bus

Smart Call by Korean Driver Faced with Out of Control Bus

Sometimes people like to criticize other drivers for not acting promptly when faced with a danger on the road, but truth is, it's one thing watching it from the comfort of your home through a video and a completely different experience when you're sitting behind the wheel and have only seconds - if not less, to make a decision. Read more »

- Angry Ram Denies Trespassing To Subaru, Forces Driver To Reverse
Apparently rams don’t discriminate against vehicles: they hate cars as much as they hate motorcycles. The latest video of a vehicle-hating ram comes from Australia, where the driver of a Subaru faced the wrath of a stubborn ram while going uphill...

- This Accident Could Have Ended Much, Much Worse…
Watching a large truck tip over while negotiating a curve on the road and then seeing it coming towards your way without you being able to react is an experience that no driver would like to face. That said, this driver should feel extremely fortunate...

- A Little Bit Of Luck And A Good Set Of Tires Can Save The Day
The last thing you want to see coming out of the corner of a wet road is a semi-trailer truck folded in two heading straight towards you. A combination of luck and possibly a good set of tires and brakes helped this driver avoid the worst when he was...

- Volkswagen Jetta Aces Icy West Virginian Roads
With winter storms pushing their way through the eastern United States over the weekend, many drivers were (somehow) caught by surprise.  Icy roads via freezing rain will do that to you.  Unfortunately, some people had it worse than others, like...

- 38 Hours Per Year For American Drivers
Ugly truth. I'm not sure who coined that phrase, but in some instances, it is so very very apt. Expensive truth. Hurtful truth. For this piece of news.... they all apply. On average, the American driver spent 38 hours sitting in traffic during their...

