Show Me the Money: Saab Receives $5 Million US from Youngman, More May Come

Show Me the Money: Saab Receives $5 Million US from Youngman, More May Come

It’s true that this month is probably the worst in a really bad year for Saab. Its 9-5 ended last in Consumer Reports’ luxury sedan test, GM repeatedly vetoed any sale deal involving the Chinese, and the court-appointed administrator has asked for the restructuring process to be terminated.

Today, though, a ray of light shined in Trollhättan as Saab received a first payment from China's Youngman Lotus Automobile, ahead of the court meeting that will decide its future next week.

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- Saab Changes Administrator, Awaits Monday’s Court Decision
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- Saab Seeks Court Protection From Creditors, Formulates Reorganization Plan
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