Satnav leads lady in a Mercedes SL500 to deep waters...

Satnav leads lady in a Mercedes SL500 to deep waters...

We love these stories of satnavs gone bonkers. Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, we heard about this poor woman from London that was on her way to a party in Leicestershire, England in her Mercedes SL500. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and unfortunately her satnav led her into a winding road meant for farmers in their 4x4’s.

Avoiding common sense and signs that clearly read ‘unsuitable for motor vehicles’ the young lady attempted to cross a ford which happened to be swollen after days of rain. The lady and her car were swept 600 yards downstream until she was rescued by a brave nearby villager. Here’s the kicker - the car remained in the river a week after the incident until it was recovered by a tow-truck and according to Dailymail, it is believed that the SL500 is complete write-off. Via: Dailymail
Posted by Dani

Technorati: Mercedes-Benz+SL500, Satnav, Accidents, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007, pictures, images

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