Russian Tank Hits a Snag, Then a Curb and a…Pole

Russian Tank Hits a Snag, Then a Curb and a…Pole

Have you ever had one of those days when everything goes wrong and you just want to punch something? We're guessing that it must have been one of those days for the operator of this BMD amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle (or so we think it is this type of army vehicle – if you know otherwise, tell us in the comments). Read more »

- Giant Us Marines Amphibious Vehicle Prototype Is Capable But Very Slow
The US Marines are testing a really big amphibious vehicle called the Ultra Heavy Lift Amphibious Connector (UHAC for short). Back in 2014, it took part in a Marine Corps Advanced Warfighting Experiment which was “the culmination of a decade of...

- Russian Trucker Drops Tank On The Road
A Russian trucker had a lot explaining to do when the tank he was carrying fell off the vehicle after taking a tight turn faster that what the conditions safely allowed. Read more »...

- Us Marine's Uhac Is A Hybrid Between A Tank And A Boat [w/videos]
What do you get when you cross a tank with a boat? If you’re asking someone from the U.S. Marine Corps, the answer is an Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector (UHAC). The massive vehicle has begun exercises at the Marine Corps Training Area Bellows...

- Ah, So That's Why Citizens Shouldn't Seize And Play With Tanks….
In the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, which has turned into something of a battlefield between government troops and pro-Russia separatists, military vehicles like the Soviet tracked infantry-fighter BMP-1 have become a common sight on the roads, with all...

- British Army Recruits 50 Toyota Prius Hybrids
Even though it would have been rather cool to see an army of Priuses in military camouflage, the fleet of 50 Toyota hybrids obtained by the British Army are to used for administrative purposes. They belong to the army's so-called "White Fleet", branch...

