Robotic Exoskeleton Commercially Available, But in Very Limited Numbers

Robotic Exoskeleton Commercially Available, But in Very Limited Numbers

Now that we may get an actual working hoverboard, which is on its way to becoming a reality in two years’ time ( or not…) depending on your degree of skepticism regarding the matter, we expect to see more and more of these futuristic pieces of tech taken out of the realm of sci-fi and made real. Like this robotic exoskeleton, made by Japanese company Sagawa Electronics, which is, at heart, also a movie-based idea. Read more »

- Lexus' Hoverboard Debuts In Real Life And It Works, But You Can't Have One
There was a lot of online chatter about Lexus' hoverboard being a marketing trick, but it's real and it works. Lexus showed off the impressively cool hoverboard at a specially constructed “hoverpark” near Barcelona, Spain. Read more...

- New 2014 Hyundai Genesis Sedan Scooped Completely Naked! [new Photo]
While we gave you a pretty good idea of what to expect from the new generation 2014 (possibly 2015MY in N.A.) Hyundai Genesis saloon with our rendering made by Josh Byrnes earlier this year, it’s time to show you the actual, real-life version...

- Open Source Back To The Future Ii-like Hoverboard In The Making For…2015
We’re pretty sure that nobody could argue against the cool factor of ‘hoverboards,’ the magically powered skateboards from the future, which have been blessed with a self-explanatory name, requiring no additional clarification. The...

- More Rendered Speculation On Honda S2000's High Performance Hybrid Coupe Successor
Truth to be said, we've lost track of the number of inside stories and rendered scoops concerning Honda's rumored, but never officially confirmed, S2000 successor that have made their way on the internet from various Japanese magazines the past...

- Apple Imo: A Design Proposal For An Autonomous Robotic Car Of The Future
No, Steve Jobs has not made the decision to expand Apple's portfolio with cars - at least not yet. Despite the Apple logos, the iMo is an independent study for a future robotic car that was created by Anthony Jannarelly, a French designer with an...

