Report: Do Speed Cameras Save Lives?

Report: Do Speed Cameras Save Lives?

No matter where in the world you live, speed cameras are bound to be a hot button item for most drivers and especially automotive enthusiasts. With a recent proposal by the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) suggesting that the operation of and collection of fines from speed cameras in the hands of local government, the issue has once again come to the forefront of public opinion. The big question on many people’s minds is: are speed cameras actually effective at saving lives and preventing accidents?

First, let’s eliminate any prejudice against speed cameras. I and many others object to the sometimes devious ways our nation’s police force use speed cameras. Camera vans hidden in the bushes, signage placed in front rather than behind the vans and the use of unmarked vehicles have all soured public opinion on this supposed accident-reducing device. This is not about how speed cameras are used; it’s a question of whether or not they actually do what they’re intended to do.

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