Ray William Johnson Teaches You How (Not) To Get Out Of A Speeding Ticket

Ray William Johnson Teaches You How (Not) To Get Out Of A Speeding Ticket

What are some of the worst things you could possibly say to a cop that’s pulled you over? Well, a few of them are listed in the light-hearted video posted here.
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- Super Nice Cop Tells Stuttering Driver "go Take A Sh!t And Slow Down For Me"
As weird as it sounds, this cop was actually very cool and understanding when he pulled over a driver with a speech disorder (stuttering) for speeding. Read more »...

- California Cop Hands Woman Ticket For Driving With Google Glass; Was He Right Or Wrong?
Many believe that using Google Glass while driving can be, if not a direct safety hazard, certainly a distraction (even automakers have admitted that it is), but is it currently illegal to wear them? A California cop certainly thinks so as he handed...

- Monkey Displeased With Speeding Ticket, Bites Officer's Hand
A small monkey sitting behind a driver who had just been pulled over on the road and cited for speeding, showed his discontent with the officer's decision to write him a ticket by jumping up and biting his finger, just as he was about to hand the...

- Footage Shows Police Officer Going Nuts On Man Who Declined A Search, But Is It Real?
Video footage of a police officer first stopping a man in an SUV for speeding over the limit and then going on a curse rage because the driver declined to have his vehicle searched is making the internet rounds. In detail, the cop pulled over the SUV...

- Slow...speeding Ticket: British Driver Receives Ticket After 9 Years!
If this isn’t the definition of irony, we don’t know what is; Mr Derrick Thomas received a speeding ticket (for a car that he says he never owned!), in his mailbox after nine-and-a-half years! Mr Thomas was clocked doing 60mph (96 km/h)...

