Possibly One of the Most Innocent Road Rage Incidents You'll Ever See in Russia

Possibly One of the Most Innocent Road Rage Incidents You'll Ever See in Russia

Given that, as we have witnessed so many times, pulling out a weapon for the slightest of reasons is not at all uncommon during road rage episodes in Russia, this incident is just about as funny and innocent as it gets.

For some unknown and quite possibly insignificant reason, two drivers were bickering back and forth on the road until they came to a stop at a red light. And here's when it all begins.

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- Texas Road Brawl With Lexus Passenger Vs Biker Caught On Cam
As much as dash-cams would like to make you believe that irrational road-rage incidents exist solely in Russia and its neighboring nations, that could not be further from the truth. Read more »...

- Ever Hear About A Gas-station Rage With Batons And Tasers?
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- Foolish Moscow Drivers Cause A Multi-car Accident And Then Drive Away…
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- Video: Road Rage Quickly Escalates To A Boxing Match But Ends With A…handshake! [nsfw]
"Road rage" is described as any display of aggression by a driver of any type of vehicle against another motorist because of something that happened on the road. And while most drivers will experience road rage in some form or another in their...

