Paris Show Aftermath - We're back !

Paris Show Aftermath - We're back !

Carscoop's back from the lovely capitol of France after spending two full days roaming the Paris International Motor Show. And what a couple of days these where at the "XL" sized Mondial de l'Automobile show, full of cars, cars and, lets not forget, cars!

Unfortunately, that was the only thing I managed to see at Paris as 12 hours of walking through all 8 halls of the show again and again where enough to make even a stride through the famous Paris cafe's behind the hotel I stayed seem like a supernatural task. So, apart form getting a taste from the famous French cuisine at a couple of wonderful restaurants the only taste I got from Paris was behind the window of the transfer bus from (the hotel) and to the Paris Expo Centre.

But enough with the nagging, time to share my experiences and thoughts from the 2006 Paris International Show !

Technorati: Paris+International+Motor+Show, Carscoop, autos, auto+news, car+news, automobile, Mondial+de+l'Automobile, 2006, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, list

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